Friday, March 20, 2009

Tonys conga adventures - Comments and Suggestions

Hey all,

Hope you are well,

Many have emailed in support of this blog and many have said they enjoy reading it, and find it entertaining. People from around the world check in, about 100 a day.

Thanks for the kind words, and the letters of support. I'll do my best to keep it rolling.

I would like to take it to the next step, and some time soon i'll be changing the format, so we can exchange ideas, information, comments, suggestions, etc. A more interactive format in general.

If any of you have suggestions about how you would like to experience this blog, or have ideas of how it should be developed, Im all ears.

Thanks to Toby Gaster for kicking me in the ars to step this up.


dont bother to read the following, its just search engine trapping to increase traffic, do a search for any of the keywords below to see related posts:
JCR timbales, ritmo bongos, ritmo bongo, Mathew smith bongos, mat smith congas, mat smith bongo, SOS bongo, SOS bongos, SOS congas, Skin on skin percussion, conga skins, conga hide, conga replacement skins, replacement skins for congas, Mule hide, Cow hide, Bull skin, Bull hide, repairing, restoring, how to fix a crack, restoring drums, conga doctor, congadr, Isla bongo, Isla bata, Cedar, mahogany, Oak, wood conga, refinnishing congas, Cuban dance, Cuban folklorico, Cuban folkloric music, rumba quaguanco, rumba columbia, rumba colombia, yambu', cajones, cajon y conga, rumba havana, rumba matanzas, guarapachangeo, guadapachangeo, guadapachangui, Salsa Rueda, Timba moderna, batarumba, Santiago de Cuba, Tumba francesa, Bantu, Palo, Makuta, Bembe macagua, Bembe Meta, Arara, Abakua, Brincamo, brinkamo, Garabato, Asoyi, Afrekete, Omoaye, Mase, yambu mantancera, cajon al muerto, shekere, chekeres, shekeres, uataka, guataca, guataka, agun, agogo, guagua, pailito, paila, cata, cascara, gua, bonco, Apliti, bonko, mula, caja, cachimbo, itotole, itotile, iya, onconcolo, omole, omile, cantos, santo, washing drums, consecration, drum carving, drum making, drummer, percussionists, percussionist, ceremony, orishas, ansestors, replacement heads for congas, reskinning conga drums, how to reskin a conga, conga heads, replacement heads for congas, fixing congas, conga shell, conga hardware, shows, nightlife, entertainment in the bay area, latin entertainment, latin shows in the bay area, nightlife in the bay area, cuban nightlife, cuban scene in the bay area, cuban cigars, cuban musicians, cuban mojitos, ritmo, rhythm transcriptions, transcriptions, charts, rhythm charts, list of rhythms, conga rhythms, conga licks, conga chops, how to play rumba,


  1. Tony it's nice to see that you are back, I would visit your blog periodically but could tell that there had been no recent activity to be honest with you I was afraid that maybe you had decided not to continue it any longer so I was blessed when I noticed the updates. I want to let you know that I have always enjoyed your blog as it is filled with great information. I know that maintaining a blog can be very time consuming so I would like to thank you for all of your efforts and I truly believe that I speak for many. Ok my Conga brother be blessed and !Que vivan los Tambores!

    1. That is overwhelming kind and nice to hear. Thank you! Sorry o got to a point that my amazing life was just for me to know about. I wish you all the utmost conga adventures

  2. Wow Juan,

    That was really nice to hear, thank you very much. Sometimes it feels like this all goes out into space, never to be seen again.

    Thanks for the support. We are a brotherhood, and i feel the love!


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