Friday, March 20, 2009

Sandy Perez Y Su Lade con Lazaro Galarraga 2/09

This review is a bit delayed, but hope you enjoy it...

Before the show, there was the bi-weekly rumba next door. Lazaro Galarraga, Yaya Maldonado and myself sat, watched the rumba, and drank dark beer. Come to find out, its also Lazaro's favorites.. black as coffee, just like the Austrian in me demands. (me thinks black beer is Irish, I should know, but thats for the beer blog to discuss...)

Anyway, as we were finishing our beers, I jumped up and played quinto for a bit, felt like i caught a big fat wave all the way to shore. The dancers were out, and the crowd loved it.. Lazaro was pleased, and encouraged me to keep it up. That was too cool - I feel blessed to hang with these cats.

Shortly after the rumba, everyone headed next door, Sandy Perez Y Su Lade con Lazaro Galarraga stepped to the stage to thrill us.

This was another sold out show, packed with fans of the Master percussionist and his group of traditionalists.

The show featured the ledgendary Lazaro Galarraga, Fito Reinoso, Mejail La Brada, Rosita Villamil, Pili Martinez, Francisco Barroso Toby Gaster, Matt Lucas, and several others.

Toby Gaster and Matt Lucas were covering the conga parts, completely nailing the breaks and really doing well.

Toby said to me the other day.. you guys are better players than i am... thats simply not true, Toby has been Sandy's right hand man for years now, and is developing into quite a powerful player, with heavy chops and seemingly endless stamina. He has done really well for himself, and for all of us, in the end.

He is very humble, but with a few more years under his belt, he will be one of the best players around. Im looking forward to seeing him travel to Cuba and get the variety of experience that will take him to the next level. Go brother Go!

I have a feeling Ill be studying from him in a few years! Remember your brother, Toby... LOL ;)

anyway, the gig was so fun, as Lazaro Galarraga is truly one of the finest singers of this tradition in the world. Its amazing how melodic and naturally flowing his singing is. so beautiful... which, to me, the jazz junkie, is not always the case in this tradition .. Its no wonder why he is so respected by all the heavies. Other singers of this tradition are beautifully melodic.. Merceditas, for example, but Lazaro has such a musical style. I just wish he was able to sing the whole night, but there were other singers on the bill. They are all great singers, its just that i dont get to see Lazaro perform every day. Either way, I believe this was the fattest Coro I have ever heard in this area.

Click here to buy this CD

The Coro for Lazaro included Fito, Mejail, Rosita, and the powerful style of the talented traditionalist Carol Steele - supppa fat!

When i die, I think i will hear this Coro bidding me goodbuy, welcoming me to my next life... hope youre all available for the gig! ;)

All the pictures are of past gigs, fyi.


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