I was over at a friends house in the 'hood' of east Oakland, hanging with Mijail Abreu, Pailito and a few Cuban cats.
Felix Fiesta and Pili Martinez show up, and the Rumba was on.
It was so fun to play with Felix singing. He sings some really light hearted and fun Rumbas - they are so melodic. And Mijail jumps in with his fire and lightening.. its quite a match, the two of them.
After playing a bit, we sat back, listened to some pumping timba, and enjoyed some deep fried american fish sticks with our mexican suds.
Felix, a serious heavy from the east coast, asks me - 'where are you from?'
Salt Lake City, Utah, i tell him.... with a broad smile... I love that. It perplexes people.
Utah is about as far from Africa as one can get in the world... well, its actually Hawaii, but somehow Salt Lake City is polar opposites of Abuja, Nigera, in a cutural way.
Who knows how i got the blood, but it runs deep, and i am thankful for it. That being said... Im very glad to have been reared in a Jazz family that moved to the world class music scene of the bay area when i was a child.
a picture of mrs Utah, and a hottie from Nigeria... for your enjoyment... .. aaa, the many wonders of the world...

So, Felix needed a skin for his 'tre-do', so i sent him one of California's finest cow skins (actually from south america, i believe). Im looking forward to playing it when im out on the east coast. Felix was nice enough to invite me to join him in exploring the scene when I'm out that way. I dont think i can ask for a better guide.
Im looking forward to seeing Felix again, as he has very positive energy, and is obviously a master of this tradition.
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