Thursday, February 21, 2008

la Pena rumba - Ocktober 8th 2007 Flaco's Quinto

Just another ripping day in Oakland... Pics to come...

Went to the rumba at La Pena Cultural Center yesterday.

All the heavies were out - Yaya Maldinado, Pili, Flaco, Javier Navarette, Yagbe and John Santos, Damian the chosen one, to name a few.

We opened with a Macuta, and played Rumba from then on. Pili was on fire, as usual. Yagbe was playing all over the place with way too many variations for my taste. Flaco is as solid as a rock. Javier is mr. Smooth! and plays with such grace. Santos was having fun and playing his hart out - he is such a humble person and a really nice guy.

Got to see Flaco's Cuban Quinto. I hooked him up with a nice skin and it sounds great. Ill try to get a pic to you soon, its one coolest old oak drums ive ever seen and it sounds so old school. (staiveswere actually hand carved, in stead of steam bent)

Pic is of Pili and Damian. Flaco's old Cuban drum and a set of IslaPercussion congas.


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