Saturday, April 27, 2013

Wagner Profeta Santos and Banda Cafofo at Capueira Arts in Berekeley 4/27 9pm-2am

New on the scene, a really fun and professional Brazilian project hitting gigs around the bay these days, playing Pagode and Samba to writhing throngs of beautiful dancers..  The project, Banda Cafofo, has a very relaxed and playful repertoire of Pagode, developing into hard hitting and fierce Sambas late in the night.

The band includes one very talented percussionist in the Brazilian scene here in the bay, Wagner Profeta Santos. 'Wag DoGroove' on the web, he is one bad ass Conguero, and shreds the nearest Timbal with blazingly fast licks. I had the pleasure of seeing him perform with his other project, Sambada the other night.. an awesome show.. really fun..

Wag totally shreds when a lead player.. and slips cleanly into the pocket when the sound demands a team play.. He has a very graceful and comfortably musical style, often singing, playing several peoples parts.. and smiling big enough for the entire band... When spotlighted, he quickly steps up with powerful and emphatic solos.. a clean blend of technique, solid musicianship and raw emotion.

 but you can see.. the Brazilians are not short on smiles.. lol. Here he is pictured on the right here, with band members Pablo Mello, project founders Tony Santos and Claudinho Smile

Claudinho, leading the project, sings and plays Cavaquinho, which is one of my favorite instruments to hear.. it just makes you smile, for some reason.. I bet you cant play the blues on that instrument.. it just wont cry with you.. ;) ... well.. Im sure Muddy could have used it.. but anyway.. 

Wag has found a fun group of cats, and a steady gigging project to showcase his talents... 

The cat is so humble, and rather young, so we may have the great fortune to see him play.. for years here...

Its so fun to have such talented players who call the bay home.

Here is short clip of his class at Brazil Camp, somewhere in northern California, you can see the kind of positive vibes he brings to his work...

 and a clip of a performance they had after the workshops..

One night its Havana, the next Saville.. and tonight... SAMBA!

See you in Berkeley at Capueira Arts,
1901 San Pablo Street, Berkeley, California 94702
9pm - 2am.. bring your dancing shoes.. and all your friends who own shoes..