Tuesday, May 1, 2012

SFIAF 2012 brings Raices Profundas direct from Cuba! 5/1-5/6

There are times, here in the bay, that we feel like the center of the universe.. This is certainly
one of those times, as the sheer gravity of the demand for Cuban culture has brought one of the finest folkloric troupes from the streets, and professional schools of Havana.

Raices Profundas has made there way across the gulf to debut in front of hundreds of adoring Afro-Cuban fans here in the bay area.

From their website..

"Raices Profundas was founded in 1975 and today is widely regarded as one of the world’s most authentic performing ensembles in the Yoruba traditions. The dancers and musicians have intense dedication to their company, their art and their traditions.

Their performance takes the audience on a journey through time in the rich Cuban culture, from the deepest Afro-Cuban roots, through the beloved Latin dances of generations
past, right up to the hottest salsa of today.

The director, Juan de Dios Ramon Morejon, is one of the last greats of an era. He is highly revered as a teacher and historian, and has been a major influence in conserving, documenting and maintaining Cuban cultural traditions.

 (Juan de Dios is third from the right)

He began performing Afro-Cuban dance and music as a child, and participated in many ensembles. In 1962 he became one of the founding members of the Conjunto Folklorico Nacional de Cuba where he was a principal dancer, percussionist, singer, choreographer and professor until 1987."

The great Maestro Carlos Aldama was also a founding member of Conjunto Folklorico Nacional de Cuba, if I remember correctly, although not a member of this project. I bet he is thrilled to see them in town.

Check this out! - Tony's Conga Adventure readers get $5 off!! cool! 

You can find links to purchase tickets, and sign up for the highly recommended workshops here (use code "Cuba12" for the discount) -


The first workshop is Tonight, may 1st at Malonga Casquelouard center for the arts in Oakland, on Alice st. 7:30pm, featuring Yoruban Bata (Ana), and Dajomean Arara.

The workshop on May 5th at the world dance center in Berkeley is covering Rumba, and the May 6th class at the Dance Mission Theater on 24th in San Francisco, is going over the Congolese tradition of Palo.. oh yes...

I will be at several of the shows, and all of the workshops, for sure.. this will be a legendary series of performances we will talk about for years.

How lucky are we, here in the bay..

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