Friday, July 1, 2011

If your Clave doesn't look like this, you arn't playing enough Rumba!

..lost track of how many pairs we have gone through in 10 years of playing in this tradition.. so lucky to have so many opportunities to play for so long. We are very blessed here in the bay.

On to a new pair.. they have no idea what we have in store for them..


  1. you have a great site for the intrument of the tumbadora, but let's talk claves. Where will you get your new pair from? My guess is not anything manufactured overseas.

  2. Thanks for the kind words about the blog.

    I wish there were more local makers of good clave. Most I like are from overseas, for some reason. They look easy enough to make!

    I just posted my take on Clave, how to play, what material etc. hope it helps.


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