Wednesday, September 1, 2010

John Santos Lecture series on African and Latin influences in music of the americas

This is a great example of how difficult it is to describe to people just how talented the cats are in this tradition.. John, for example can be called a Master percussionist.. and the man has so many other talents, from singing to his Ethnomusicologism (a new word, just for you John ;) ...a very long list of talents this cat enjoys. We are all lucky he likes to share!

He is the real deal.. knows his history and the music.. so nice for me to hear the material that fascinates me, as a musician and cultural explorer of some of the same traditions. I could listen to him talk on this subject until the moon comes back around...

I very much like his academic approach, knowing how grounded he is as a musician.. in the end, it just makes him that much better sounding on the drum!

You can catch him tonight and tomorrow, Sept 1 and the 8th, I believe:

SF Jazz: John Santos @ MoAD from Jenny Chu on Vimeo.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Tony thanks so much for posting this ! Im a big fan of John and his work and always wanted to see one of his lectures . Any more posts of him would be most welcomed .Thanks . Niall ...


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