Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sandy Perez y su Lade 3/21

Hey all,

Hope you are doing well!

Its been a couple of months since i posted... had to take care of a few things..

Thanks to all for your kind words of support, and for your love of this blog. We will keep it going.

It may take me a bit to get current, as much has happened since the last post.

Firstly, Sandy is performing with 'Lade' this Saturday, at Bollywood Cafe in SF.

At $10, its the best show going around these parts this weekend.

Joining Sandy for this gig:

The vivatious Rosita Villamil of Matanzas, and the new V-twin of folklore, Toby Gastor and Matt Lucas - laying down grooves like a well oiled chopper cuts up freeway.

This show will feature a trio of heavy singers - Fito Reinoso, need we say more... the magical Mijael Labrada (pictured above with Reynaldo Gonzales), and the heavy folkloric singer Jose Luis Gomez (pictured below, on the left with Chris Flaco Walker and Isidro Valor).

Jose Luis is one of those cats who rarely makes it out to play, if its not some fat gig or ceremony.

Long ago now, it seems, Jose Luis and Regino Jimenez came to the north bay to change my life... ... well, i don't think it was their sole purpose for the trip, but non the less, with a simple lesson, Regino sent me headlong into the study of AfroCuban music.

click here to buy this cd

That was in 2001, and eight years later, i cant imagine life without it. I am very grateful for Regino and Jose Luis, and the door they opened for me.

So, there are shows to talk about (including Enrique's benefit show), rumbas, parties, cd reviews... much to catch up on... stay tuned!


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