Friday, March 20, 2009

Carlos Aldama's 38th Osha B-day Celebration

Mejail la Brada, Irish Rick and myself were so graciously invited to Carlos Aldama's for his Osha B-day. What a grand pleasure to be there for Carlos in his celebration.

We ate very well, played, sang, danced, honored Chango with Carlos, and had a great time hanging out.

As it was an all Cuban Spanish speaking party, i was doing my best just to keep up with the rapid fire approximation of Castillian. They swallow all the 's's and run their words together in a monotone way that makes it hard to understand, for me.

The rumba was fun, with Mejail on fire, Ruskin, Rick, the new Cuban cats in town, Juan and Gregario, The chosen one Damian De Jesus, and the Maestro. These are some of the nicest cats. Damian is a force! I just love that brother. Hiphop gansta style, soft hearted kind and honerable, a serious heavy who always takes the time to share the love.

We had a long, ripping session, and everyone was dancing and singing, all with fat smiles on their faces.. gotta love it...

However, comma, at one point Carlos was sitting in the kitchen listening, I was on quinto... next thing you know, he shut the door! ;) What can i say, he wasnt digging it.

After, he told me I have to pick my spots, in between the other drums and in and around the singers.. not to step on toes, in short. I was a bit bummed he didnt like my playing, as most people do. Mejail was talking to him about me, i could see, and it was like - look at my boy play, what do you think of the white brother, with Carlos responding, im not really into it, he should stick to tre-do for now.. something like that, as the conversation was discribed to me.

Its a bit discouraging, I wanted to play well for him. Its such an incredible task, to play like a Cuban. As of now, only Carlos and Sandy complain about my quinto, so i know im making progress, and i know its just a matter of a couple of years till I have it, in general. I just need to listen to my favorite quinteros, like Jesus Alfonso, Mario Jaurgue, Ricardo Abreu, Sandy Perez.. and do more clave/song work.

Anyway, we had a great time celebrating with Carlos, and we are so blessed to have him in the area. He is doing well, and was happy to see us all there, for him. I love it when he gets on a roll and starts cracking people up. I dont understand most of it, frankly, but he is so funny with his mannorisms and the way he tells his stories. He's a fun and amazing person, Mastership aside.

Thanks to Chango L'ade (pictured above with Damian De Jesus), thanks for the wonderful pictures and the warm hospitality! Much love! I owe you a chocolate cake!! ;)

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