Friday, November 7, 2008

Wayne Wallace and Mike Spiro at Bach Dancing and Dynamite Society this Sunday

Wayne WallaceNovember 9
Wayne Wallace
Latin Jazz Quintet

Wayne Wallace - trombone,
Murray Low – piano,
David Belove – bass,
Michael Spiro – percussion,

Paul Van Wageningen – drums,
and possibly some special guests. $30.

Belove is a monster on the bass. this should be a great show. I just love this venue.

When i was a kid, i went to see Pancho Sanchez play there. We somehow got back stage with the band, and i found myself being tought how to slap a conga, on the empty bar in the back room. His band mates were so kind to teach me, and its one of the things that got me into playing this instrument. - thanks guys, im not sure who you are, as it wasnt Poncho.. perhaps the banda brothers.. who know, i was young.

This is a great place to bring a date, see a show, walk in the fog by the ocean.. its very cool. Its owned by this eccentric pipe smoking jazz fan who turned his house into one of the sweetest Jazz venues around. The performance area and the sound reminds me of the old Yoshi's - still the best club in my experience to see a small combo perform. I dont think the new Yoshi's, either of them, live up to the natural wood, two level, open but intimate club Yoshi's of old.



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