Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thanks DJ Waltdigz! You da man!

Too much fun,

It wasn't till early this morning that the hit was on.

As is typical of many a salsa club around the world, this party didn't start till 11 or so. I always find this strange in the states, with the 2:00 alcohol cutoff and all. Not much time to get your groove on.

It was so nice of Walter, the spinning magician, to donate the proceeds to Enrique and his family. More than cool.

When we finally hit the stage, early this morning, it was Sandy Perez, Jesus Diaz, Pailito, Frank, Alisha, Alison (welcome back!), Joe and myself. Always too much fun to perform with Sandy and company.

We had some pfat dancers, Manuel from the studio on 54th, Alisha of , Alian (pictured with Machete), and several other Cuban cats - they ripped it up for the crowd of bailarines... they were loving it.

Jelly's is a groovy club, out in the warehouse district next to Pac Bell park, or whatever they call it these days.

Its right on the water, and has an outdoor patio to hang and dance

It was so nice to get this rumba together for Walter, we almost didn't make it happen, as most of the cats were out of town, or gigging last night.

The late start worked well, as i had time to attend a hit at Yaya's place, playing bata and singing till 10 or so. That was too fun. He and his friends are so chill, those brothers.. its relaxing to be around them.

So, it looks like we made a few handfuls of duckets for familia Carreras. That should help a bit.... the first of several fundraisers for them.

Next up, a hat passing at the La Pena Rumba this Sunday. We will be talking about what we would all like to do in the near future, to honor Enrique's life and the nurturing paternity he gave to all of us. A big benefit show looks more than doable.

See you there,


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