Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This was a fun show... one of the last of the season at Yerba Buena Gardens in SF.

It was a fond way to remember Hilton Ruiz.. i remember him fondly, last i saw him, he was playing with Babatunde Lea (one of my teachers) and Earny Watts... some serious mosters of the Jazz scene. He was quite a talented player, and a really nice cat. He will be missed, for sure.

Jesus Diaz
and Javier Navarrette, QBA, wowed the crowd with some fine compositions... then opened the door for Dave Valentine and friends to rip it up for Hilton.

The smooth horns of Rey Vega and Steve Turre' were truly tasty. With Sandy on timbs, and monster player Phoenix Rivera on the traps... man this was a ripping session.

Chembo Corniel layed down a very sweet solo, and Dave Valentin was his grand self, freely flouting to the solid groove.

the members:

Our stage will be graced by Ray Vega (horns), Steve Turré (horns), Dave Valentín (flute), Arturo O'Farrill (piano), Yunior Terry (bass), Phoenix Rivera, (drums), Sandy Perez (timbales), and Chembo Corniel (percussion).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tony! I look forward to more footage on the YouTube channel- maybe Sandy on the timbales? Peace


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