Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Opportunity of a lifetime

Here it is. The break of a lifetime. The opportunity to play with one of the best musicians of this form in the world is truly a heart stopping moment for me.

Unbelievably, Sandy Perez, principal percussionist from the world famous Cuban folkloric troupe AfroCuba de Matanzas (see video clips on the upper right of the screen), asked me to join him for his next project. He asked me to join his group, playing festivals next summer and possibly a tour the following winter.

Pinch me, is not even close on this one.... perhaps a defibrillation....

I am beside myself with the excitement of the opportunity of performing at this level. Its a dream come true, and without question an opportunity of a life time.

Last night was Sandy's birthday party. Sandy invited a few key cats, and close family to join him in the ceremony.

After paying homage, Trevino, Pili, Ruskin, Toby, Rick, Sandy and I played rumba till late, completely ripping at times. I just sat back, at one point, and listened to the entirety of the scene... Its some of the best rumba ive heard, on any CD, DVD, whatever. Its incredible to be a part of this.

The group is forming, and, so far, consists of Sandy, Toby, Pili, Trevino, Ruskin and myself. I believe Mejail will be a part of it too, im not sure.

I'm the weakest link, clearly, and pulling this off will take a monumental effort. I'm set on putting in some serious hours to make this go.

One step at a time, brother and sisters... there is a lot of work to do, and who knows if it all works out in the end. But the golden ball is rolling... incredibly, and beyond my wildest imagination.



  1. I'm the weakest link, clearly, and pulling this off will take a monumental effort. I'm set on putting in some serious hours to make this go.

    Congrats, and relax. Neither God nor Sandy--who are possibly one and the same--would open this door for you unless you were ready to walk through it.

  2. dr. blood,

    Thanks man, that helps.



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