Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome back, Valje congas, valje bongo GO RALPH!

Happy to report and pass on a cool pic of the new Valje Drums logo on this set of Valje bongo in black walnut, made by Ralph Flores, son of master congasmith Tom Flores.

Thanks Chris, for the picture, i bet they rip.

Nice to see Valje back in business!

Go Ralph!!! Way to go man...

The two sets of bongo i have played from Ralph, or Resolution drums, have been very well made, and the bloodwood set i played absolutely screamed.

You can tell the attention to detail was something Tom was sure to teach his child.

I will be posting pics of the new Valje congas soon, I have yet to see, or play them.



  1. Ralph's Resolutions bongos are larger than Valje bongos.
    I have a set of both in oak and love them. They are different enough from each other.
    Ralph has told me he is going to keep the Resolution line along with the returned Valje line.

  2. Glad to hear it. I just tucked my Hembra Valje bongo (made around 1976). It turned out perfect. I've used them with my Gretsch kit for the past two years and as far as I'm concerned there's nothing like the sound of these Valje bongos --- Red Oak I believe.

    Kona - BC Canada

  3. Those Walnut Valje's look spectacular!

    I just finished tucking my Valje bongo (Hembra) with a new LP flat. It turned out great. I bought them new in 1977. I'm happy to hear Ralph is making these drums again. Looking good!


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