Monday, June 9, 2008

Omar Sosa - John Santos - David Gilmore at Yerba Buena 6/08

What a wonderful day on the green at Yerba Buena Gardens watching Omar Sosa, and his band of merry rippers having a very relaxed and fun gig for all.

They had an unusual set list: from solid jams to disjointed struggles, with a few ethereal day dreamers in between.

These shows are so very pleasing.. to be square about it. They just rock. It puts me in a good mood for days afterward. The sun is shining over a totally packed, large grass field tucked in between the skyscrapers of down town San Francisco.

Omar played with an extremely fat band,

John Santos (the mission) Bata, Congas, Percussion
Childo Tomas (Mozambique), electric bass, m’bira, vocal
Marque Gilmore (U.S.A.), drums, electronics
David Gilmore (U.S.A.), guitar
Leandro Saint-Hill (Cuba), saxophone, flute

This cat Childo Tomas was one of the best bass players ive heard in a long while. What a solid Groove!! Man, this cat is truly a world class rhythm machene.

David Gilmore on guitar - one of my hero's from the my fusion days, played beautifully, and with his signature, incredible sound.

Marqe Gilmore is an explosive player, but somehow he was in the background of the solid groove Childo layed down.

John played well, but was in deep... almost over his head, as these cats play together often, with syncopated breaks and changing feels. At times, he looked like he'd rather be sitting in the audience listening, and enjoying the sun with his beautiful family. They had him turned down on the mix, and that didn't help much. They could have turned him up for his solo, at least.

Somehow, i dont think the mix on stage matched the mix to the crowd.

I'm looking forward the next show at Yerba Buena Gardens: a Nigerian group on the 22nd of this month.



  1. Hey Tony! I saw Javier but didn't see you there. Omar's show with John at La Pena was transcendent magic. I took some good photos of the band during the last song. Have to post them somewhere soon. Peace

  2. Is the show you're talking about on the 22nd Seun Kuti at Stern Grove?

  3. ooops,

    Yea man, thanks.. yes, Seun Kuti at Stern Grove on the 22nd. Got the venues mixed up!

    so many shows, so many free venues! ;)


  4. Johnathan,

    Feel free to send some my way... happy to post them.




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