Monday, June 2, 2008

La Pena 6.08 - Maestro Aldama and his VW

What a fun day that was.

We started early, and had a serious rumba going by 3. We were all in the mood for a nice day of playing. By mid session, Carlos Aldama and Sandy Perez showed.

Most of the regulars were there, Javier, Orlando, Yaya, Pili Irish Rick, Michael, Jeff, Enrique, among others.

In the middle of the rumba, I go outside for a breather to see Carlos Aldama and a few cats gathered around his signature VW bug. He had broken his throddle cable, a repair i had done many a time in my youth, as i used to own several bugs and vans.

In less than an hour, we had it fixed and had him back on the road... it was so cool to see us all help to get him setup. Very cool and tight community, this is. I called for the part, Art went to buy it for Carlos... very cool.

So, in the mean time, Carlos played quinto at the rumba, to everyones joy. A true legend in action.

Carlos thanked me with a big hug, and told me to come by for a lesson, on him. What a pleasure to help him, and see him smile as he drove away... so blessed, we are, to have him around.

After the rumba at La Pena, I went with Sandy over to Toby's house for a jam. Only thing was, Orlando showed up with his Bass!

Oh no... Orlando with his Bass - always a sign of a pending train wreck! And sure enough.. it was hard to get a good thing going.

I realized, its always a good idea to go with Sandy, no matter if it pans out or not, as far as playing. The times that are hitting, are so fat, its worth the off nights when nothing gets going.

.. Video clip is dark, sorry about that... Michael on quinto, Yaya on Segunda, me on Tumbao, Enrique on Bajo cajon, Irish Rick on cata, Orlando singing... too much fun.


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