Friday, May 16, 2008

Conga skins - Mule, Cow, what's best?

If you are looking for high end Conga skins for the professional player, you have come to the right place.

The best way to get the best sound, is to have a player select your skin for you, your drum, and your gigging life.

Each drum, played by a specific player,playing a specific style of music demands a specific skin.

Most players prefer Cow. Getting the right piece, even if expertly tanned, is all in the selection.

After 30 years of playing, and 10 years of restoring congas and bongo, having played nearly every make of drums, in many different materials, I can hear the sound of a drum before it is skinned.

Knowing how people play - their chops, knowing the various styles of music and the application of the instrument in that setting. And knowing the cat with a huge stock of skins to sort through - as opposed to selling what ever shows up in the mail... I can hook you up with the right skin.

I provide skins for many top players across the country, including Pedrito Martinez, Sandy Perez, Ramon Diaz, Chris 'Flaco' Walker, to name a few. 

Here is an example of the Skins I sell, and some of the restoration work as well. 



  1. Cow skin rules on old Gon Bops - incredible old-School sound - the sound we are all after.
    After years of promoting and playing mule skin I must say nothing beats the good ole cow.

  2. Yes, I now carry Cow hide and Kip, email me at and I can hook you up.

  3. I would like to get some mule skin for my lp galaxys i like the forklorico sound sharp cracke slaps little overtone im thinking a little thicker skins maybe give me your input


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