Friday, March 7, 2008

Wood debated - what is this, mr know it all...


I was talking to Matt Smith about this quinto Brian Matza, a big collector in SF, sent him to study the shape.

its a funky quinto and i absolutely love the sound of this material..

So, i picked up these incredible tubs made by a Cuban cat in Miami named "el chino" or Luis Martinez.

He made some really nice drums... some of the nicest sounding ive every played, sos, matt smith, junior included. i was so lucky to score on these drums, they are my favorite instruments.

so, it got me thinking... what is this mistery material....

lots of pics to come.



  1. I've never heard of a Luis Martinez making drums out of Miami? Does he currently make congas? Or was this an old set? What's the deal are his prices?


  2. I hear Luis 'el Chino' Martinez is living in FL and is in his 80's. As far as i know, this is the only set on the west coast.

    Id love to see any pics of any others.

    I did see one 'el chino' quinto for sale on ebay a few years back.



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