Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Maestro Mariano Bobadillia - Gon Bops congas

more pics to come...

Gon Bops has the prestigious reputation of being one of the oldest manufacturers of handcrafted Latin instruments in the world. Mr. Mariano Bobadilla founded the company in 1954. As a band instrument repairman and professional trumpet player for 18 years, he started out in an old wood garage owned by his father in a neighborhood near the heart of downtown Los Angeles.


  1. Thanks for the info. Love the vintage pics of the 30th Anniversary. I have a set of the new GonBops by DW. Wish I could find a cheap pair of used ones. That picture of the room full of congas is far out.

  2. Bobadilla also made a full conga/bongo style TRAP kit for John 'Drumbo' French from Captain Beefheart's Magic band. French tells me, sadly, that the drums wouldn't project how he'd hoped, and that he had to play so hard to be heard that he would bend his kick drum beaters every night. Neat, eh?

    1. Yes, very neat.. thanks for sharing albie.. who knows all the drums these cats made on the side.. reminds me of the walnut valje I saw..


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