Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Junior congas - Maestro Natalio Junior Tirado

Many more to come...


  1. Best drums ever. I'm only 18 years old my father has drums and other Afro0Cuban drums mad by Tirado and JCR. The best ever in the United States outside of Cuba and Puerto Rico.
    Que Viva la historia and musica!!!!!

  2. Nice post.
    Beautiful drums.
    R.I.P. Natalio Tirado Ruiz, a.k.a. "Junior".

  3. I had the pleasure of working with Junior ever since he started making them in Havemeyer St.and then Grand St. in Williamsburg Brooklyn. I was only 12 years old and wanted a pair. I did not know the talent that he had until I saw other workmanship from others trying to do the same. He let me work there to earn my way to own a set that I wanted so bad. But school came in the way so many times. It took almost 2 summers to complete my set. He was blessed with a wife who supported him so much , because of the love he had with his work. His 2 girls would run to the shop to greet him due to his late nights working in the shop. I did make those drums with his guidence and still have them today. Also a pair of Bongos. The best part of the job at the time was watching musicians come thru to check on the completion of there order. But the delivery was the best. Cause he would play with them and then a jam session would start right outside the shop. Yes ..he was the best and I am glad this site pays tribute to his great work....Thank you

  4. Thank you Ray, great to hear about your experience with the Maestro.

  5. Samswoodworks42 @aol.comJanuary 30, 2012 at 10:25 AM

    My name is Samuel Alvarez. I was playing a set of congas at 116th St in Manhatten when a guy I never met said to me: Mira! tu tienes que cosegirte congas de Junior tirado Brothel!!! I asked him where was his location. he didnt know but said Brooklyn southside. It took me a whole day untill my wife recognizes a man that played congas with her father when she was a kid. he pointed me in the right direction and there was Mr.Tirtado who looked so much my own Dad. we hit it off right away. i couldnt believe how confortable he made me feel. I told him my drums had to be Mahogony. He refused at first because he said they would be so much more work. i kept asking him and he said yes. I could not contain myself because I knew I had found THE congas. I kept calling and I know at times annoyed him but he would kindly said espera que te llegan . He called one an Icy cold evening and told me he had the requinto ready. i think i ate several lights on my way there.LOL..I couldnt believe the way he lined up the staves of the mahogony. I insisted they look like marble and he did . Well, they are my treasures and many drummers beg me to sell them.NO WAY!!!!!!be well amigo.

  6. Incredible story Samuel, thank you very much. Feel free to send some family portraits, happy to post them.

  7. Wow! I cant believe you got my little story. Muchisimas gracias. I will furnish a picture of my 4 Mahogony girlfriends ASAP. I just ran into an advertisement of M.Smiths congas. WOW!!! Que linda estan esas congas. My wife is going to make me live inside my Tumbadora for sure!!LOL, I just told one of my mentors, Willie Andino to get these Smiths. Que dios te Cuide...Sammy.

  8. Any I deal his congas are worth if I find pair

  9. I can't get enough of the stories that I hear about my dad Junior Tirado & I would love to hear more on when, how & where did they met my father. As his anniversary of his death coming very soon I find myself wanted to write a short story with pictures of my late dad.


Thanks for checking in, please feel free to contribute.

Feel free to contact me directly at congadr@gmail.com
