Thursday, February 21, 2008

Trevino Leon bio - Rumba at Tony D's

Entry for February 20, 2008
Hey all!!

Its been a while since i last posted... hope all is well with you.

So much to talk about, but im looking into another blog service with video capability, so Ill get back at it soon.


Wednesday February 20, 2008 - 11:09am (PST) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
Entry for November 09, 2007
Trevino Leon,
seated playing the Valje...

This cat has smooth chops and a very graceful way of hitting his marks. He is very musical and has an extremely nice groove that stands out in all his playing.

He is understated and 'tasty' when he is on quinto, solid and groovy when on the supporting drums. His Quinto work is so 'in the pocket' and nice to hear. You can tell hes been a Rumbero since he was a child.

He is well versed in several folkloric styles from Africa which has formed him into a very talented 'worker' of polyrhythms. He plays bata, and is a moster on the traps or the timbales.

His stick technique is fat. he really has feel with sticks in his hands. His bell work and his cata always steps the sound up, and we all play better when Tre is a part of it.

Most everyone has much respect for Trevino as he is such a solid player, and a really humble and kind person.

He is having his 50th b-day again, this one should be fat, ill post after the party.

Pic is of Trevino on congas and the Master drummer Yagbe singing

Tags: afro-cuban, bongo, bongos, drums, conga, drumming, drum, cuban, cuba, congas, latin, percussion, trevinoleon, rumba
Friday November 9, 2007 - 10:52am (PST) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
Entry for November 07, 2007
I am thinking of doing a bio of the players with whom i am so fortunate to know and work. Thought id start with Trevino Leon. One fat player.

Here is a bio i wrote for him when he came to do a workshop on Conga de Comparsa up in Napa last year...

Trevino Leon is very fortunate to be from a family of talented musicians form Matanzas Cuba. Immigrating to Spanish Harlem, Trevino and his family was surrounded with Afro-Cuban, Hatian and Brazilian culture.

Trevino began to study the Folkloric musical traditions of the Caribbean and Africa at a very early age.

27 years of study later, Trevino is an accomplished talent in a tradition deeply guarded and protected by the masters of the old country.

Truly a “keeper of the flame” and a generous provider of sacred information, Travino is a wonderful resource for those who are not lucky enough to be born into the tradition.

Traveno currently plays and works in the Bay Area with some of the foremost latin musicians alive.

He is the principal percussionist for C.K.Ladzedpo, the famous Ghanan Master drummer and plays in the Beninese, Nigerian and Togolese traditions as well.

Trevino is my brother and mentor. I am so lucky to know such a cool cat, who has such fat chops! He is such a nice guy with love for all people deep in his heart. Gotta love Tre.

Tags: afro-cuban, bongo, bongos, conga, congas, trevinoleon, cuba, cuban, drum, drumming, drums, rumba, salsa, percussion, latin
Wednesday November 7, 2007 - 09:56am (PST) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
Entry for November 07, 2007
La Pena's rumba was too fun, as usual, and we played really nice versions of Columbia and Yambu.

The line up this time included the multi master Yagbe, the solid Chris 'Flaco' Walker, Javier Navarette, Hector Lugo, Trevino Leon, Tony D., Yaya Maldinado among others.

I played some quinto with Yagbe on 3-2 and Flaco playing such a fat tumbao - man... Flaco can swing that tumbao!

The Pats Colts game was on, so the cats showed up later than usual, which got a late start, but it ripped till they kicked us out.

Trevino, YYaya Rick, Hector, Javier and i went over to Tony D.'s studio in ooaklandafter the La Pena rumba, we played some fat rumba, YYayaand Hector sang so nicely.

TTreplayed some really fat trap rhythms on Tony D.s amazing set. That set sounds so dang cool. Tony D and TTreare both very talented trap drummers with incredible feel. Tony D. is the chosen ska drummer in the east bay, he rips!

Its such a cool scene over there, very chill. Tony is such a nice guy, and quite a musician.

Pic is of the rumba at Tony D.'s

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