Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mahogany gon bops tumba and conga - 1950's restore for DeVries

ok.. furthur updates...

I restored this set of Gon Bops for a cat in Santa Cruz, David DeVries. There were in bad shape, with major heel to toe cracks.

In fact, the tumba was almost falling apart when i got it. it was being held together by the skin only! I fixed the bottom of it first, as if i took the skin off the top at first, it would have fallen into pieces.

Almost all the pics of this restore are on a hard drive in a crashed lap top... anyone know how to extract files from a lap top hard drive without a lap top????

Anyway, lucky for me, i sent the cat pics when done - see above.

I also repaired an Oak Gon Bops requinto for this cat, and took a cracked Oak gon bops quinto in partial trade.. pics to come of those restores as well.

Talk soon,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Tony, looking good. You do wonders to those old beauties.
    BTW I have just purchased (but not picked up yet) an early 1970s Gon Bops mahogany conga y tumba set which needs some brushing up. I think those babies are worth the effort.
    Your conga restoration skills pretty amzing anyway, doctor! :-)

    Cheers by Mike (from congaplace)


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